Masic Lab @ MIT
The Masic Lab at MIT focuses on pioneering research in cement chemistry and the development of multifunctional cement-based materials. Recognizing the environmental impact of ordinary Portland cement due to its high carbon footprint, the lab aims to develop carbon-neutral solutions for concrete. Using advanced techniques, including phase transformation studies through correlative and multiscale characterization (from molecular to macro levels), the lab explores innovative pathways to sustainable concrete. At the core of the lab’s expertise are in situ and operando spectroscopy techniques that permit resolving in time and space hydration, fracture, self-healing and carbonation processes by observing nanoscale structural changes induced by loading and chemical reactions in highly heterogeneous environments.

Admir Masic
MIT CEE | Associate Professor
MIT DMSE | Faculty Fellow in Archaeological Materials
CMRAE Center for Materials Research in Archaeology and Ethnology
MIT ReACT | Faculty Director
M.S. in Chemistry, University of Turin, Italy
Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry, University of Turin, Italy
Founder Adamantio Ltd. Science in Conservation
Founder MIT ReACT
DMAT Performance Matters | Co-founder
Masic Lab, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, MIT
77 Massachusetts Avenue,
Room 1-347
Cambridge, MA, 02139
Admir Masic | Associate Professor
Skype: adamantiumto
Michelle McManus | Administrative Assistant